Whoever wants to be briefly informed on economic projects within the Arabic World shoud visit the web site Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry e.V. on a regular basis. Ghorfa bietet neben spannenden Wirtschaftnachrichten aus der Region auch wertvolle Wirtschaftsberichte zum kostenlosen Download an! Darüber hinaus offeriert die Kammer ihr Magazin “Ghorfa-Wirtschaftsmagazin SOUQ” als E-Paper an, als auch einen interessanten
Nein, dies ist kein Artikel über den niedersächsischen Autokonzern und sein Flagschiff. Wir bewegen und in wärmeren Gefilden, den Golfstaaten. Zu diesen gehört auch Dubai, das wohl bekannteste Mitglied der Staatengruppe. Mittlerweile werden das zweitgrößte Emirat und der Begriff “Golf” fast synonym gebraucht. Längst droht Dubai die restlichen Golfstaaten ins Abseits zu drängen. Auch wenn es immer wieder Anläufe der
Crooked catering is a column in a town magazin of Stuttgart. Under this title odd and sometimes bizarre culinary establishments are presented. The web site “Dubai Mums Club” is definitely not a gourmet tip but it is surely strange. The site calls itself “Social community for the UAE’s mothers”. That is not an Arabic ideal, it is not even an
Anyone who paid a visit to some Arabic country might have realized it: Arabic women really do attach importance on their looks. Apart from the fact that the local beauty parlour is a great spot to slag the careless husband it also makes money. A well-known cosmetic producer from Hamburg realized that. According to a report of the economic platform
Einige von euch erinnern sich vielleicht noch an den 80ger-Jahre Hit “Radio Africa” von Latin Quarter. An diesen fühlte ich mich erinnert, als ich als ich gestern mal wieder eine Negativmeldung über Saudi Arabien lass. “Spitzname Guantanamo – Frau will Scheidung” lautete die Schlagzeile in der Süddeutschen Zeitung. Die Meldung scheint dann auch so spektatkulär zu sein und so gut
Whoever has been to Beirut knows that this city has real flair. Beirut also know a Swiss of the Middle East is the proverbial phoenix from the ashes. Not only that the city is especially popular with Arabs from the Gulf because women are particularly beautiful and movies are unreserved (kiss and sex scenes are not cut out from the
Financial crisis! Who is going to save Dubai? That is the title of one of the announced articles of the lastes edition of “zenith” (03/09). In the course of the conversation with Sultan BinNasser al-Sawaidi there is not the slightest hint of a real crisis. “The (the inhabitants of Dubai) do not consume much …”. And: “Automotive trade is especially
It is generally known that Swabians can do everthing but standard German. So why shouldn’t there be a solution for the Islamic ban on interest in the land of inventors where a national sanctuary, the “Holy iron sheet”, as Daimler is called in common parlance, is flaggering. No sooner said than done. At the latest since october 7th we know
I’ve been knowing Aldi since my childhood, the beautiful discounter market where many would like to spent their sunset years according to Willi Deutschmann, a German satirist. Back then, Aldi provided my village counting 27.000 souls with sugar-coated canned fruits, packaged Gouda cheese and above all the most delicious crisps in town. Over the years the can-in-boxes-on-shelves-discounter turned into a
The Arab Human Development Reports (brief: ADHR) are being published by the United Nations, however they are written by independent Arabic intellectuals and academics. The United Nations state that the reports are autonomous written by a representative group of selected representatives of the region, self-critical and kept in perspective. The results are completed by an opinion poll in four Arabic