Last saturday

Last saturday was different from all the saturdays before. Although it started like always. I went swimming, I went shopping and was enjoying a cup of coffee in front of my computer when I heard the news. Nothing exceptional until I listened to the news: the attacks in Paris on Friday night. The report on many victims. That was the

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Cogito, ergo sum

It used to be a must, nowadays I rarely turn them on: newscast on TV. Why? Tired of the media in general, a news overkill, an escape from reality? I might have doubts about what I can see on TV daily, the fact that a newscast that last for 15, 20 or 30 minutes does not reflect the objective truth

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I am not “Bled” or am I?

My reccommendation: try the Julian Alps for a change. The town of Bled is the ideal vantage point for hiking tours within the Triglav National Park anbot. So, if you feel like avoiding the hussle of the Dolomites in the summer, try SLOVEnia and enjoy your piece of Kremsnita, Bled’s landmark!


Saudi Arabian urban life unexpectedly normal by U.S. standards

Unbelievable but true: An American exchange student in Saudi Arabia, explicitly in Riyadh, discovered much to his surprise that “urban life is unexpectedly normal by U.S. standards” over there. In a blog entry that happens to be a namesake of my blogMiddle East Messenger, the American student Cody Knipfer writes about his experience in Saudi Arabia, a desert state widely

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Was hat Menschenhandel mit dir zu tun?

Was hat Menschenhandel mit dir zu tun?

What has human trafficking to do with you? You might be thinking “absolutely nothing”. Question: Did you ever buy cheap meat in a supermarket? Did you ever buy cheap clothes at Primark? Did you ever visit a brothel? Did you ever hire a nurse or a cleaning person from East Europe? In case you answer one or more of those

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Quo vadis Europe?

Refugees, flows of refugees and their destinies, all that I knew so far only from TV, i.e. with much distance from real events, admittetly. What it means to be directly faced with the “refugee situation” itself I could experience recently on my way back from South Tyrol to Munich and at last yesterday watching the play “Fliehen & Forschen” on

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“I was the black guy among the reds”

It is “crosscultural weeks” in Brunswieck and maybe we never needed it more than nowadays in times of Pegida, Bragida and the like. In course of a cross-cultural walk I learned a lot of interesting things from the two city guides, one with Russian and the other with Chinese roots. Also contemporary witnesses told some fascinating stories as people from

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Monsieur Claudes Dilemma

Monsieur Claude is a real picture-book Frenchman, like he can be found in any language teaching book. Monsieur Claude is corpulent, owns a a cottage, has a career, a presentable wife and four daughters. Monsieur Claude can be seen in cinemas in the movie “Monsieur Claude and his four daughters. The film can be described as THE classic French (Multikulti-)Comedy

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