
Christina/ June 28, 2023/ Culture

There is something going on in Brunswieck – culturally. First of all there were the musically and artistically highlights of Buskers in May this year and secondly of the „Kulturnacht“ on June 17th. This weekend comes the next coup, the #kunsttour23. At last the bohemian way of life comes into one’s own. It is just now that I realize how much I missed the easiness, the inspiration and the creativity. And next to the artistically aspects it is the insights into wonderful gardens and nicely constructed artist’s workshops which make my creative spirit exult.

Lehndorf as a centre of art
Our first stop ist he Beckinger Sraße, spot 44. Upon our arrival we look out for the pink balloons which mark exhibition sites. We climb up the stairs until we reach the house top. This is the studio of Brigitte Wöhler. At first a picture of a bird catches our eyes. I guess I have seen that one before in the brochure giving information on the open house presentations. The same applies for the still life showing a cheese sandwich with tomatoes. Wöhler focused herself on animal portraits and still lives. We have a talk with the artist and learn, that she quit watercolour painting and switched to paintings with oil paint.

We stay at Lehndorf and cycle to the Saarbrückener Straße. Sport no. 34 Susanne Rehage expects us. In a nice summer house which is located in a beautiful garden Rehage displays her paintings. Her drawings originate partly in her holidays, for example in Sweden or in France. Moreover numerous still lives which show fruits, vegetables or fishes can be seen. Under discussion Rehage tells us that she also copies drawings from photos. It is difficult to her to draw out of her mind. Being questioned how long it takes her to paint a picture she answers about half an hour. However sometimes she has to draw one motive several times until she is satisfied with it. I like the colours of her pictures.

Subsequently to the tour we are offered cold drinks and cookies. We are also allowed to take a closer look onto the idyllic garden. I think it is a very nice and well done combination the interaction of art, garden culture and hospitality.

Gaia, the goddess of earth
We continue our tour and reach the Kanzlerfeld. The Reichweinweg is a nice and calm residential street. In one of the houses with a garden lot the artist Sofia Stenger displays her paintings. In this great ambiance the exhibited drawings and sketches come into one’s own. We really do like the pictures. We admire the sketches especially as we do not have such talent. In the dining room cold drinks and Swedish pastries are offered. Unfortunately we are running out of time. With 42 different spots and more than 120 artists the #kunsttour23 is spaciously set out. Therefore the span for a stop is limited.

We leave Lehndorf and the Kanzlerfeld and cycle towards the „östliches Ringgebiet“. On the way down there we stop at the Schimmelfhof and take a look at the works of sculptress Sabine Hoppe. The studio in the cellar of the building is quite cool. To me it is kind of overloaded with sculptures. It is difficult to keep things in perspective. The three metres long statue of Gaia strikes intantly. Hoppe designed it in 2017. She tells the changeful story of the production to the audience. During the making she even beheaded the scultpure once. Fortunately the head is right now there where it belongs.

Visiting Bullerbü
Due to the high temperatures we need a rest at the Löwengarten. Slowly but surely we come to the end of the first day of the open house presentation. We have to hurry up in order to take a look a the Swedish house at Tante Berg. The place is hidden in the Goldapstraße. Today the Swedish midsommarfest is celebrated. The exhibitors in the garden and in the Swedish house wear colourful girdle of flowers on their heads – the identification of the feast. There are wood works, pottery, photos and even a make-up place. However the heart of the exhibition is definitely the Swedish house. It is lovely decorated and invites you to stay.

On the second day the temperatures are even higher than yesterday. I have a visitor from Goslar. An adept friend of mine takes a bike tour with me to visit different places. First of all we cycle to the city centre and enjoy the airstream. The studio „Violet pictures“ is our first stop. A good acquaintance of mine displays her pieces of art: paintings, photography and so called Upcycling-art. Entering the place you notice foremost the portrait of Frida Kahlo on the wall. I like the photos best showing so called lost places which are framed by old cigar boxes. It is a nice idea. And, there is also a Brunswieck edition.

With the artist we talk about the start of her career and the partly unauthorized visit of Lost Places. Until now I did not even know that there are organized tourst to such plots. And in case there is a „do not enter“ sign at the entrance you can bribe the owner with a bottle of vodka.

Fabric paintings
We move on to the district of Ölper. The spot no. 15 is the studio of Constanze Walter. Her trademark are fabric paintings. We like the sloth haning over a sofa. I notice a fennec and various portrayals of Crows that do funny things – partly. And sometimes they are printed on ply wood framed by cheese boxes made of wood. That’s what I call an creative idea.

Only two houses further down the street there is the next exhibition site. This is the studio and farmstead of Heide Lühr-Hassels. We have to admit that we are a little bit tired due to the heat. The awesome garden behind the house allures us more than the oil paintings. The two sunbeds on the grass are just too tempting. One minute later we are lying on them and enjoy every single minute.

After an hour of coziness and relaxation were are ready to move on. I a parallel street we stop at the house of Marion Holste. Under the slogan: „Retro- und Prospektive“ Holste displays her drawings and aqurelle. She focuses on travelling sketches and abstract paintings. We are admit the way how the artist can generate the atmosphere of a meditarranean city with just a couple of brushstrokes. A picture develops in the eye of the observer that takes every fan of the Mediterranean Sea to the place of his cravings. We really to like that.

Relaxing jazz at the Jahnstraße
Our last effort is the cycle from Ölper to the westliche Ringgebiet. Our last station is the Kunstsalon at the Jahnstraße. The closing concert is supposed to take place here with music of Henryk Römisch and Marcel Reginatto. We arrive on time. We catch two empty chairs covered by a slip cover. We get ourselves two drinks and the band is getting started. That’s sooo good! Both, the music and the drinks are helping to relax us. The heat is not so heavy anymore. We sit comfortably in the shadow listening to the tunes. We could just keep sitting here forever but our stomaches are rumbling.

I really enjoyed the last two days. I am surprised and excited how many artists are scrimmaging in Brunswieck. A lot of creativity and know how is concentrated here. It is good that #kunsttour23 was initiated. I am really happy about all the news things I learned.

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