Exhibition: “The Dancers” by Heinrich Römisch
There is an all-rounder at work here. Heinrich Römisch not only presents a number of his numerous works in the “Jewel”. Pictures from. No, he also provides the musical framework with the Blue Moon Trio. Cheers! I call that admirable. Especially since I have no talent for drawing or painting myself. That commands respect from me. During the vernissage, how could it be otherwise, sparkling wine will be served upon request. The only drawback is that the store is so small and cramped that it is almost impossible to get a meaningful impression of the work. But the owner Hilkeschneidewind has a solution for this too: “Just show up another day!” And let me tell you this: there is still time for it until August 31, 2024.
Family business
This evening the small jewelry shop in Olschläger is very well filled. Some people know each other. Of course, friends are usually invited to such events. After just a short time, the shop’s windows were fogged up. I’m irritated by the constant chirping of birds until I notice that the sound comes when someone opens the front door. We get a champagne at the “counter” and wait for the vernissage to open. However, the concept seems a little different from the usual. The Blue Moon Trio takes up the instruments and plays “Please do nothing till you hear from me”. After this jazzy start,schneidewind addresses a few words to the audience. At this point the connections become clear: Heinrich Römisch plays bass, Matthias Wandersleben is on the drums and Elmar Vibrans is on the piano. The latter also happens to beschneidewind’s husband. A family business, so to speak. Unfortunately, there is no information about the images and how they were created.
The Dancing People
To find out more about both the pictures and the artist, there is the website . This also makes it clear how diverse the artist’s oeuvre is. Although his motifs are often people in motion, they differ in their styles. “In addition to painting and drawing with ink, colored pencils and pencils, chalk, charcoal, oil paint, acrylic, tempera, etc., they are often used together as a mixed media, the pictures are put together like a collage and treated further,” says Lass let us know Roman on its pages. So it’s about the human body in motion – sometimes “solo” as flamenco or rain dancers. But mostly in pairs, entwined in tango or jumping in Lindy Hop.
With this changeability and versatility, we will definitely see the artist again soon elsewhere.