Lost Places by Olaf Ziegler

Christina/ February 23, 2020/ Culture

This article is about a visit to a closing event at the Brunswieck coffee bar “MokkaBär” on yesterday. It is the final day of the foto-exhibition by Olaf Ziegler, showing “Lost Places” in Germany, Belgium and at the Czeck border.

The artist was born in Peine (close to Brunswieck) and moved to the city of Henry the Lion in 2004. Ziegler’s passion is the photography of abandoned sanatoriums, castles and factories. The pictures almost look like paintings but they are not. It is hard to believe that the motives have not been arranged for and sometimes it seems that the places have just been abandoned: there are still grand pianos, covered tables with tablecloth and dinnerware.

It is said to see that such beautiful places are abandoned and fall into ruins. But the upkeeping might just be too expensive. Therefore I appreciate it that Ziegler captures this beauty for eternity in this photography.

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