Until yesterday night I had the firm conviction that Rumpelstiltskin originated from the brain of the Brothers Grimm. Yesterday evening, however, I was taught a lesson on the German/French TV channel “arte”. De facto, Rumpelstiltskin can also be found in the Arabic World. Where? It is hard to believe, but for instance you can find it at the “Middle East Championships” in Jordan. Representated by the Saudi-Arabian royal stud “Al-Mohammadia” or at least its deputies. How that? The stud is represented on the championships by its best horses. Accompanied by one of the numerous princes of Saudi Arabia. This one, like the rest of the immense rich and spoiled cohort of princes most probably, does not like to be a loser.
A little side note: According to an article I have read just recently – deriving from the Arab World – the 6.000 princes of the Saudi-Arabien royal house have some 275 000 Dollar per month at their disposal. Who would not turn megalomanic or at least arrogant by that? Here comes some little advice for the desert sons: I remember that especially memorable scene from the Hollywood peplum “Quo vadis”. One of the famous generals returns to Rome. In his honour a triumphal procession through the city is organised. Riding a chariot a servant is standing behind him holding a golden laurel wreath above his head, repeating the same words: “Do not forget you are just a man”.
Let us get back to my little story and the championships. What has happened? The Royal Jordanian stud beat the Saudia-Arabian one and the prince lost his sportsmanship. A good sportsman should cut a good figure even if he is losing. Rather the representatives of the Saudi stud left the championships prior to the award ceremony together with the prince.
Given the quite infantile behaviour one like to hand over a little bucket and a little shovel to the “poor” prince so that he can build a little castle in his quite sizeable sandbox – called Saudi Arabia – back there. “Try to grow up” that is the advice one like to call out to him and the likes of him – at least in public. I really wonder why the male representatives of the royal house do almost everything to case-harden their bad reputation in public? Is it because a bad reputation is also binding?