Two journalists tried to analyze the latest US-election campaign in all its facets in a book called: “Im Wahn. Die amerikanische Katastrophe” (being mad. The American catastrophe). The journey of Klaus Brinkbäumer and Stephan Lamby from June 2019 to August 2020 produced a book of almost 400 pages and it is about nothing less but the end of the truth.
Today I go into the thick of things and dedicate myself to a particular difficult chapter on the way to love for myself: the inner critic. This awkward condition, that is how I want to call it here, is labelled in psychology as one kind of Ego-State. The persistence of the inner critic can be symbolized by a Donald Trump
The privileges sound tempting: attention, recognition, carpool, flunkies, access to important public persons and the certainty of ever rising allowances for members of parliament. These temptations symbolize the atttractiveness of becoming and remaining a member of parliament. The shady sides? Attacs from the public via social media, by the press and from the own party. Alienation from the family by
There is a change in weather to come from ice cold temperatures to springlike degrees. It is still cold in the morning about minus 15 degree. During the day the sun is able to lift the tempertures above the freezing point. It is february the sun is already quite powerful and that is exactly the reason why this weather conditions
Until November 2016 I did not know what the term “Black Swan” means. Than, Donald Trump became President elected of the United States on November 8th, 2016. On that day stock exchange prices went down and then up again. I start to take interest in stock markets and get myself the “Börsenradio”-App. Amongst others I studied Business Administration, i.e. I
It used to be a must, nowadays I rarely turn them on: newscast on TV. Why? Tired of the media in general, a news overkill, an escape from reality? I might have doubts about what I can see on TV daily, the fact that a newscast that last for 15, 20 or 30 minutes does not reflect the objective truth