Laying the foundation stone

Good things come to those who wait! Sometimes the preparation of a master thesis or better to say the search for the project itself, equals the creation of a good red wine: One has to tax one’s brain for a while until things are ripe for decision. Now it is due. The subject matter of social media will determine my

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What do you link to Dubai?

Is Dubai “higher, faster, further” for you or just a fairy tale? Take part in the Middle East Messenger poll and find out for yourself! The results of the study will be published in Mai. Start the Online-survey


There was a murming in the press

Looking into the press makes it obvious: There must be a chance of making money in this emirat. Whether it is “Dubai Magazin”, das “Dubai Business Magazine” or the classy “Concierge”, the emirate at the Gulf seems to be worth a magazine. Whereas the press in Europe seems to be downsizing, the Gulf states are still publishing. The picture gallery

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Duell at the Gulf

Touché! Until now Dubai has beaten the pants off its brother Abu Dhabi. This time, however, Abu Dhabi won the race. The Formular One gives a guest performance this Sunday over there. With a “White spaceship in the desert the oilrich great land owner made its debut! Even if that race was irrelevant for this year’s Formular One and Abu

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How a new Gulf is constructed

Nein, dies ist kein Artikel über den niedersächsischen Autokonzern und sein Flagschiff. Wir bewegen und in wärmeren Gefilden, den Golfstaaten. Zu diesen gehört auch Dubai, das wohl bekannteste Mitglied der Staatengruppe. Mittlerweile werden das zweitgrößte Emirat und der Begriff “Golf” fast synonym gebraucht. Längst droht Dubai die restlichen Golfstaaten ins Abseits zu drängen. Auch wenn es immer wieder Anläufe der

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Expect the unexpected – “crooked catering” in Arabic!

Crooked catering is a column in a town magazin of Stuttgart. Under this title odd and sometimes bizarre culinary establishments are presented. The web site “Dubai Mums Club” is definitely not a gourmet tip but it is surely strange. The site calls itself “Social community for the UAE’s mothers”. That is not an Arabic ideal, it is not even an

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Laughing against all odds

Financial crisis! Who is going to save Dubai? That is the title of one of the announced articles of the lastes edition of “zenith” (03/09). In the course of the conversation with Sultan BinNasser al-Sawaidi there is not the slightest hint of a real crisis. “The (the inhabitants of Dubai) do not consume much …”. And: “Automotive trade is especially

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Dubai. Power. Mobile

This article was meant to be a “brief notation”, just a hint that Dubai has a metro by now. The news, of course, is only intresting in that respect that the world’s expectancy comes to a halt for a second. Actually not the ultra-modern tube is the superlative in effect that, however breaks any record so far – of course.

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Cultural awareness, please!

Offensichtlich muss auch eine renommierte Seite wie “Spiegel Online” mal das Sommerloch füllen. Kaum anders kann ich mir einen Artikel vom 08.08.2009 mit dem Titel “Dresscode im Einkaufszentrum” erklären. Es geht um den Aufruf der Dubaier Behörden an ausländische Besucher, sich doch bitte in der Öffentlichkeit dezent zu kleiden. Äußerst peinlich dazu die Erklärung einer jungen Russin, dass sie gar

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