Warberg Castle is something like a childhood memory. It’s just a stone’s throw from Helmstedt. At high school I had many classmates from surrounding villages, including Warberg. I don’t think I’ve ever been to the castle. I’m also not sure if it was already a seminar venue back then. But no matter what it was like at the time. Even
With our trip in the forest Dorm around the village Groß Steinum we enjoy a journey into the geological past of the region. Two so called megalithic chambered tomb are on our list. The biggest tomb of the area which is still located in its original place is the Lübbensteine close to Helmstedt. I visited them 1,5 years ago with
May 5th, 2019: The highest height in the Harz mountains is covered with snow! Uh! The hiking offer of a friend for a walk in the snow up to the “Brocken” went unheard. Beginning of May I am rather looking for sensible heat not for white ice needles. Looking for an alternative I come across the roundtrips in the “Elm”,
Having a visitor is generally known as the best reason to get to know one’s own place better and to discover (so far) hidden action. That’s what happened last weekend, when I had a visitor from Westphalia. The sightseeing-tour starte in the city of Brunswieck, lead then to (old) Wolfsburg, went through an extensive Elm-Tour incl. a visit to the