It used to be a must, nowadays I rarely turn them on: newscast on TV. Why? Tired of the media in general, a news overkill, an escape from reality? I might have doubts about what I can see on TV daily, the fact that a newscast that last for 15, 20 or 30 minutes does not reflect the objective truth
Refugees, flows of refugees and their destinies, all that I knew so far only from TV, i.e. with much distance from real events, admittetly. What it means to be directly faced with the “refugee situation” itself I could experience recently on my way back from South Tyrol to Munich and at last yesterday watching the play “Fliehen & Forschen” on
Having a glance at the crowded hall on this sunny Tuesday evening makes it clear: the need for clarification of the ‘culture issue’ is yet unbowed. I presume not for any culture but for clarification of the European-Islamic or in terms of urban culture, for the German-Isalmic issue. Announced in a full-bodied manner, the ninth sequel of the ‚Herrenhäuser Gespräch’