Women in the Art Nouveau Sanatorium Dr. Barner 1900-1914

Women in the Art Nouveau Sanatorium Dr. Barner 1900-1914

The wet and cold weather this summer drives us indoors. Why not make the best of it? We use the circumstances to expand our regional historical knowledge. As part of the exhibition “Goddesses of Art Nouveau,” the (Monastery) Museum Hinter Aegidien offers a lecture on “Women in the Art Nouveau Sanatorium” Dr. Barner 1900-1914. That sounds interesting. The very next

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Reading: En route with Büssing and Spiegelberg

Reading: En route with Büssing and Spiegelberg

One of the most beautiful ways to spend a sunday afernoon is to listen to a reading. And this is exactly what I did this last day of the week. The public invitation came from the Café Spunk close to the western Ringgleis. Dr. Lutz Tantow delights the hearts of the audience with two exciting stories coming from the format

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