It’s crime time in Braunschweig. For the eleventh time, crime veteran Hardy Crüger and his eleven disciples are presenting a collaborative work. This year it is the “Tatort Jödebrunnen” crime thriller. According to the motto, logical, all stories take place around the historic Jödebrunnen and the no less important Kontorhaus. Okay, there aren’t even eleven followers this afternoon. On the
Eloquent, entertaining, good looking, successfull: that is Danny Morgenstern on the 14th Brunswieck Culture Night at the Astor Cinema. Morgenstern is not fameless at all. Actually he is known as THE James Bond expert. Even the Universal Studios, he tells us by the way, contacted him in order to market the latest Bond movie „No time to die“. And well,
The cathedral of Braunschweig is scene of a political event: Olga Shparaga, philosopher and civil rights activist from Belarus is on a visit. Since her escape from her home country Shparaga lives in Berlin. Today Kathrin Reinhardt reads selected passages from the book “The revolution has a female face”, written by Belorussian. Subsequent to the reading a discussion between the
“Lies and spices are siblings. The lie turns every tasteless happening into a spicy meal. The truth and nothing but the truth is only expected in front of judges. But just as the flavour the lie is supposed to complete the story behind.” Titled “lies and spices are siblings” the one-hour reading by Dr. Andreas Döring takes place on March
Entitled “The paper-shuffler under my blanket” the Turkish cultural association Gökkuşağı Kulturverein presented a reading withwriter Ergün Tepecik. In cooperation with his wife Ebrun, who also appears in Tepeciks stage plays, the author recited four excerpts from this short stories. These short stories are basically about satiric prepared interactions between Turkish migrants and German bureaucrats who’s behaviour in its unlogical
The final plea of Ulrich Kienzles closing an interesting, entertaining evening resonates: “It is for the first time that an Arabian idea “Kefaya – enough” finds its way into the world. From Tunisia, via Egypt and Lybia to Israel, Spain and Greece, where young people likewise protested against their governments. And if one wants to you can file the “Occupy