The Ringgleis (hi-)story: Jumping from a train bridge because of lovesickness

The Ringgleis (hi-)story: Jumping from a train bridge because of lovesickness

Also the Ringgleis has its history. This Saturday it is told in a different way. Hans-W. Fechtel, an engineer, reports with the help of Wolfgang Henschel, the former head of the Brunswieck Westbahnhof, about the changeful history of the Brunswieck railway. The guided tour is offered as a part of the programme „Braunschweiger Spaziergänge 2023“ under the patronage of the

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Things of the heart at the Lokpark

Things of the heart at the Lokpark

Acutally the saying goes: “Summertime and the living is easy”. This summer however not only the Corona restrictions are giving me a hard time. Also the changeable wheather spoils my plans for the weekend. Once again the prospects for saturday are dull. At first there is less rainfall than predicted. That’s why we dare to visit the designer market “Herzensdinge”

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