No beer available on the Thekenberg

No beer available on the Thekenberg

Ever heard of Harsleben? No? Me neither before now. Yet, it’s worth keeping this place in mind. Why? Well, that’s where the Thekenberg is. However, to be fair, there’s no beer on the Thekenberg. But if you keep hiking towards Halberstadt, then, yes, there are a few more highlights waiting for you: the Fünffingerfelsen (Five Finger Rock), the Klusfelsen, the

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Corona diary: the terrassed vineyard of Kaatschen

Corona diary: the terrassed vineyard of Kaatschen

I’ve already been to the kingdom of heaven last weekend, at that time I continued in direction of Bad Sulza. This time I wanted to do the same on a different path, i.e. via wine village Kaatschen. Unfortunately the dwindling daylight put a spoke into our wheel. So we did not made it to Bad Sulza. Still it was a

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Corona diary: Thrill at the Saale-Radweg

Corona diary: Thrill at the Saale-Radweg

Did you ever heard of the slogan „Get your kicks on route 66“? If not, it does not really matter, because you can get your thrill much cheaper and with a long-distance flight. Where? On the Saale-Radweg. These days everything is subordinated to an adventure-culture: If it is nacked hiking, diner in the dark or bungee-jumping. But, did you ever

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Visiting friends

Visiting friends

Are you looking for a new challenge? If so, here comes a real insider tipp for you: the Drömling. Whoever is looking for tranquility, pure nature and friendly people, this is it. The nature reserve, situated in Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, with its approx. etwa 320 km2 might be rather unknown. The Drömling is a refugium for rare and endangered

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