Living close to a low mountain range made the “Harz” to my hiking area. Formerly denounced as a paradise for retired persons I was astonished about the beauty and the diversity of the landscape when I rediscovered the Harz for me. Thanks to the “Harzer Stempelpass” and a lovely touring company my motivation is always high. By the way: next to pictures of the Harz some other photos of the Ruhr area crept in where a friend of mine lives.
Hereinafter you find a choice of walking-tours. Pleas click the place names:
- Bodetal: Altenbrak
- Altenau
- Allgäu
- Bad Harzburg
- Bad Tölz
- Bad Harzburg: Drei-Täler-Tour
- Benneckenstein
- Bochum
- Bodensee
- Elbsandsteingebirge
- Emscher Radweg
- Fallstein
- Friedrichsbrunn
- Görlitz
- Hanskühnenburg
- Hahnenklee
- Ilfeld
- Lenggries
- Ilsenburg
- Königshütte
- Kulturelle Landpartie
- Lautenthal
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Mosel cycle path
- Neustadt
- Oderbrück
- Osterode
- Quedlingburg
- Questenberg
- Rammelsberg
- Reitlingstal
- Rott am Inn
- Ruhrpott
- Von Seesen nach Langelsheim
- Salzstieg
- Sangershausen
- Selketal, Teil 1
- Selketal, Teil 2
- Selketal, Teil 3
- Walkenried
- Wernigerode
- Wernigerode-Steinerne Renne-Armeleuteberg
- Wernigerode-Heimburg
- Westallgäu