Starting point of this hiking tour is the Granestraße close to the spa gardens in Seesen. From there we walk North East – aiming at the stamp no. 102, the Lageswarte. The Lageswarte is located at the Innerste-Rennstieg between Lautenthal and Neuekrug-Hahausen above the Innerste-Valley-Dam. There we enjoy both, the high early-summer sun and the magnificient panoramic view.
We walk in direction of the Innerste dam via Vereinsplatz. It does not take long until we enjoy the first wonderful views onto the dam and the barrier lake. On this lovely sunday with its blue sky and the untroubled sunshine the barrier lake is the place to be. May this is also due to the red ice-cream cart in front of which a lot of people are already queing up.
After an ice-cream break we walk to Langelsheim to take the train either to Goslar or Seesen and start our individual journeys home.